Inspired by real world design case studies and Dadaist chance art, design(human)design is a physical and digital creative prompt tool that uses a computational understanding of structure and serendiptiy in the design process to present designers with a recombined selection of variables related to their project to provoke unexpected juxtapositions and inspire creative design ideas.

The physical instantiation of design(human)design is a deck of cards for designers to use as a creative game to prompt new design ideas. Designers can randomly select a series of cards that form a design prompt sentence that can provoke new design ideas. Download a template of the cards to make your own here.

The digital version is this website. By refreshing the page or hitting the logo at the top left, you are presented with a random selection of inspiring words to generate a new creative prompt to inspire you. Below are a few different sets of words relating to particular projects to guide your prompts:

> General design inspiration

> Designing the Police by Sands Fish

> Designing Micromaterials by Bianca Datta

> Reconfiguring Usefulness by Pip Mothersill

The data is stored in a Google spreadsheet here if you would like to upload your own set of words inspired from your design research.

Delete the words that are there initially. Then fill the 'Artifact' column with words related to what sort of end product you might create, 'Inspiration' with words relating to the topics that are guiding the theme of your project, 'Experience' with adjectives about the type of experience you would like to evoke, 'Attributes' with the elements of the prototypes you will be making, and 'Medium' with the types of media you want to experiment with.

The you will be able to access your personal creative prompt tool here.

**NOTE: this is a prototype so will be used by mulitple users at once and will not save your data. Be sure to save your words in a separate file and upload them to this spreadsheet everytime you would like to use the tool.**